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KellyMD (Offline)
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Posts: 38
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Location: Canada
09-16-2011, 04:21 AM

Sorry, I'm in need of a bit of help today. In a manga I'm reading, two friends are talking and their exchange goes as follows:

Girl 1: 彼氏ほしいい!!

Girl 2: なに急に

Girl 1: クリスマス来るじゃん!!

Girl 2: もうちょい先じゃん?

Girl 1: いやっ そろそろ用意しとかないと

I understand everything except the last part. What is she saying exactly? My best guess would be that she's saying that if she doesn't make preparations/plans soon for Christmas she won't be able to have a good time [on Christmas], but I'm sure that's most likely wrong...

Thank you very much in advance.