09-16-2011, 01:00 PM
Many of these I think I've never actually used or heard, but I'm going to hazard a guess anyway. I'll mark the ones I actually use or have encountered before with a *
つーか > と言うか*
つーの > と言うの
つって > と言って
なんつって > なんと言って
なんちゃって > ??
てか > ??
ったら > I don't know what this is a contraction for, but isn't it used after a name to express exasperation?
らんない > ららない?
っしょ > と一緒
ったく > 全く* I think this is said with frustration, too, but can't be sure..I'm imagining a girl mad at her boyfriend muttering ったく...今日あたしの誕生日わよ!
ボクんち > 僕のうち*
田中んち > 田中のうち*
やっぱ > やっぱり/やはり*
っとけ > っておけ(る)?
っとこ > either something with 男 or ところ?
もん > もの*
ちゃう > てしまう****
ちゃった > てしまった**** (I use these last two all the time. They're probably the only to in my active vocabulary.)
Edit I just looked at Cola's answers. I think I'm going to have to agree that っしょ = でしょう. I'm guessing this based on っす being a contraction for です, which I used all the time in Japan. It became my Japanese equivalent of "like" in English. Way overused thanks to all the college kids I was around.