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sutekidane (Offline)
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09-17-2011, 10:04 AM

I will answer Sangetsu and Ronin4hire later. In the meantime, here is an old ebook with a lot of information about China's rise from a 1999 perspective, by one of the main author of the ebook in my earlier post:

The United States and a Rising China: Strategic and Military Implications | RAND
Zalmay Khalilzad was one of the authors of this ebook.

What is interesting is that the threat was not immediately felt in 1999 as Chinese Military strength was not at today's level, but the latest ebook give detailed description of the nature of the threat in minute details.

I would also urge readers to become familiar with RAND corporation, what it is and what people in it actually do:
RAND at a Glance | RAND
History and Mission | RAND

and with the credentials of Roger Cliff, probably one of the main authors of both ebooks that I have posted:
Roger Cliff - Profile | RAND
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