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JohnBraden (Offline)
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09-17-2011, 07:22 PM

You should watch Food, Inc. to see what humane conditions we let cattle, chickens, pigs, etc. "live" in before they are slaughtered for our consumption.

I would assume the International Whaling Commission would say something if Japan is taking too many whales for research. Japan is not allowed to hunt whales for commercial ends. At least Japan abides by the 1982 moratorium, while Norway, who registered an objection, is not bound by the moratorium and still does commercial whaling. Their quota for this year is 1286 out of the estimated 102,000 Minke whales there are said to inhabit the North Atlantic waters.

I'm not defending Japan in this matter. If there are sufficient number of a species, then I don't see why not. Overpopulation of one species can severely decrease the numbers of its prey, another species-just a thought.
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