09-18-2011, 03:16 AM
Al jazeera is basically the Arab version of Fox, just a propaganda machine. China's airforce is basically carbon copies of American planes. Copies never fight as well as orgianals. China may be aggressive in tactics and may even attack American bases. If so, good, Pearl Harbor is what woke the US up last time. Sometimes you need a good kick in the shins. Carthage, in the end, made Rome stronger.
America will recieve a large flood of European immigrants in next 30 years as the Muslim population soars in central Europe. Also, Hispanics are basically European, leastways last time I checked Spain was in Europe, this is also indicated in this years census as some hispanics are now starting to list themselves as white.
The Tea Party is difficult to pin down as it's a large group of various sub groups with little central leadership. By in large the majority of Tea party people believe that government should be smaller, spend less, be less intrusive and stop messing around so much in other countries. AS to Abortion and the other things you raised, most tea party people think those should be left up to individual states and not be left in the hands of an overseer government.
The US can fix it's corperations by repealing Nafta, WTO BS, and drop China from favored nation status. They also can tell them, "if you build it overseas, sell it over seas, don't bring it back here."