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(#71 (permalink))
Bard (Offline)
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Location: Orbis.
09-19-2011, 03:20 AM

Given China's overall history, it'll eventually come crashing down in flames due to purely domestic problems. Been that way since, oh, the Zhuo Dynasty.

Foreign-policy wise China fears:

* A rebirth of Japan.
* A rebirth of Russia.
* The rise of India (which has more treaties with the Occident than it does with China, being a former part of the British Empire; India is also a part of the British Commonwealth).
* A strong European Union.
* A renewed United States.

Red China also seems to be paranoid about the followers of Sun-Yat Sen.

The Wise One has spoken the words in the hall, needful for men to know.
Hail the speaker, hail to who knows,
Joy to him who understood.

Last edited by Bard : 09-19-2011 at 03:25 AM.
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