Originally Posted by henree08
If I can withdraw correctly, Arts text in Japanese are about a 1% of it.
There are many resources in otherwise languages, hence I must ask: Why is learning Nation so central to be proficient in Asian?
Maybe you are trolling, if so, then I can slaughter your language all I impoverishment.
I can haz butcha yo langah all I goo-ant and eu kant doo naughdhing.
Google translator?
Also english is irrelevant on several situations, if anything people should be learning chinese because:
It has the hanzi, which are totally related to japanese.
It is a growing country with more native and secondary speakers than english.
With the current economic trend (please feel free to correct me here), chinese will become more relevant.
summarizing: English has no value in learning Japanese.
Edit: Lol half of what I said, OHayou had already said it, also a question for native english speakers is '... value in learning japanese' understandable? I am having a serious language amnesia.