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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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09-19-2011, 04:02 AM

Originally Posted by Ostria View Post
I'm on the East Cost of the US, so i'm in EST time zone (Not sure what that is GMT, because they don't teach us GMT in America =.= (at least where I grew up at))
That just blew my mind. How old are you that you don't know what GMT is? I mean, you're obviously intelligent and educated enough to try and learn a foreign language on your own. That's very surprising!

(FWIW, GMT = "Greenwich Mean Time," the time zone of all of the UK and basically the "center" time zone. You'll also see it often written as UTC+0, while EST is UTC-5, meaning a five-hour offset from UTC (sometimes referred to as GMT, which is arguably the same thing, but for pedantic scientific reasons is not actually the same thing)).
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