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Gwen_Goth (Offline)
Posts: 478
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Location: Swansea, Wales
Question Sourcing Japanese ingredients in the UK - 09-20-2011, 07:44 AM

hiya guys

I'm sure this has been covered in parts in other threads, but I think it'd be useful to have it in one thread...

I want to cook more Japanese food at home, but it's hard to find the correct ingredients; even the most simple ones like short grain rice for sushi.

I know that Sainsbury's and Tescos have world food sections that have basics (sainsburys is much better); but their sushi rice is sold in such measly sizes and WAY over priced (£3.17 / kg? ); does anyone know a better source?

I did have a Chinese supermarket (well; small shop) near by that had a small Japanese section but of course it was hard to get what I wanted or needed due to language blocks (I don't read Japanese of Chinese and the staff rarely speak English). The shop seems to have closed indefinitely though

I know I can probably order some stuff on-line; does anyone have any recommendations?

-~Moddess ~-

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