Originally Posted by godwine
Cannot disagree, being Chinese myself, I always get asked the question "Why can't you speka Mandarin", it annoyed me to a point that I refuse to admit any knowledge to what little Mandarin I know...
Knowing Chinese (Not Mandarin, Chinese, we can discuss in another thread if you like) definitely give you some advantages with the Japanese language, a lot of the Kanjis share the same meaning as its Hanji counterpart, while it is pronounced differently, it does have a lot of similarities. cannot comment on Spanish, as I have absolutely 0 exposure to Spanissh, though I think, knowing Korean may help with Hiragana and Katakana......
Some Kanji have the same meaning...some don't
負債 - kind of
奔放 - uh....maybe
綿密 - no such phrase in Chinese
安息 - kind of
道場 - kind of
野犬 - sure
返済 - no such phrase in Chinese
無給 - no
宣言 - yes
強制 - yes
発火 - yes
喚起 - kind of
受精 - yes
頭金 - no such phrase in Chinese
黒板 - yes
等閑 - no such phrase in Chinese
膠着 - kind of
降着 - no such phrase in Chinese
証券 - kind of
歓喜 - kind of
着目- no such phrase in Chinese
喪失 - yes
図体 - no such phrase in Chinese
素質 - yes
罰 - yes
捕縛 - kind of
Exact words are few....but with knowledge of Chinese, you can "guess" on a lot of Japanese words.
And as far as learning English in order to learn Japanese.....
Just ask any native Japanese person did they learn English in order to learn Japanese.....
I'm sure you already know the answer to that question....