Originally Posted by masaegu
Synonyms or homonyms? 「私立」 and 「 市立」 are of the latter kind, I think.
Anyway, with those two words, we do something around Tokyo that you do not around Nagoya to avoid possible confusions. We purposefully "mis-read" 「市立」 as 「いちりつ」 in conversations where we foresee a possible confusion. (And I just found out that you can get 「市立」 by typing 「いちりつ」, too.)
I think we often read 「私立」 as 'わたくしりつ' in daily conversations (only in Kansai area?).
I often hear 'いちりつ', but I also think we often say like 'きょうとしりつ(京都市立)' or 'おおさかしりつ(大阪市立)' adding the name of the city before '市立' (again only in Kansai area?).