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masaegu (Offline)
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09-21-2011, 04:46 AM

Originally Posted by kenshiromusou View Post
おはよっす! (long time, my friend!)
And annoying you a bit more, I ask a (big) help with the phrase:
余談ではあるが、このイラストにおいてKenとShinのcloths は シ ョ ル ダ ーパッドをつけており、アニメにおいては唯一のショルダーパッドをつけた画稿となっている。

I am not sure here, but does it say, summarizing, that "Ken and Shin had shoulder pieces in this illustration and they appeared in the anime with the shoulder pads (from illustration) only once."
Is it close to correct.
I feel I messing "唯一のショルダーパッドをつけた画稿となっている up.
Thank you very much again and again.
You are not reading the sentence structure of the last half right. It also appears that you did not catch the light humor intended by this writer.

"Incidentally, Ken and Shin wear shoulder pads in this illustration, making it the only manuscript in the entire world of anime in which one wears shoulder pads."

Your Japanese proficiency shall be in direct proportion
to your true interest in the Japanese Mind.