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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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09-21-2011, 01:25 PM

Originally Posted by Sumippi View Post





「ため」「から」「ので」are all conjunctions that show a 'reason', and why is the 3rd sentence↑ incorrect?
「お金がなかったので。」is acceptable in a conversation, no?
I didn't notice the difference until I read this thread.
ため is a noun, so that's why ため is OK. As for からだ being OK but のでだ not being OK, I have no answer. I've always wondered if maybe ので has its roots in の+です since inserting のです after a sentence gives a slight "explanatory" feel to what you're saying. 公園が見つけられたのです!

But that's the mere musing of a crazy non-native speaker.

Edit I wasn't completely off the mark! Checking my dictionary:
接続助詞。体言の代用をする助詞ノとニテの転のデとが 結合したもの。転じてンデとも。活用語の連体形に付く
So its roots are actually の+にて>のにて>ので I guess. Unfortunately, it destroys my theory as to what makes ので behave differently than から in that のでです is weird but からです is not.

Edit 2 Well, actually it turns out I'm at least as creative as Japanese linguists! From this book: Topics in constraint-based grammar ... - Takao Gunji - Google Books
It has been argued whether no-de is a concatenization of the nominalizer no and the case particle de or the nominalizer no and the auxiliary verb da, which makes a nominal preceding its statement. . . . There is still dispute about which is the right analysis.
Put me in the のだ camp!

Last edited by KyleGoetz : 09-21-2011 at 01:34 PM.
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