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Nippom (Offline)
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Join Date: May 2009
Fukushima sub-forum - 09-21-2011, 05:13 PM

Should JapanForum put all Fukushima radiation contamination threads into a completely separate sub-forum folder?

My thought is concern for those who come here to JP seeking a nice relaxing refuge from the daily grind.

While I myself have been the well-intentioned originator of some Fukushima rad threads, the unappreciative reactions and extreme degree of denial I seem to get from some very nice people is that the Fukushima nuclear melt-down puts them into a state of psychological shock.

I don't wish to ruin their day, and yet the nuclear disaster is something that cannot be ignored when the lives of those in the danger zone are imperiled.

My thought is that it might go a little more smoothly to create a sub-forum of the 'General Discussion' category where people can easily see it and make a decision if they want to 'go there' and stay informed--or just ignore it and drop in on General Discussion without having to deal with all the stress and shock of wading through all the Fukushima nuclear meltdown posts.

I'm reading more and more reports that the Fukushima radiation problem is getting worse and worse, and that the Japanese government and nuclear industry are actively covering it up and are even making it worse.

I just made a new post linking to a vid that they are trucking nuclear waste to all parts of Japan -including the southern areas- and burning the infernal stuff -creating radioactive aerosols- in order for those responsible to be able to deny medical liability claims later on by saying in effect that "...the radiation is everywhere, so no one can say it only comes from Fukushima." This is sheer madness, and yet the professor in the video lays it out very clearly that this is exactly what is going on.

Some people visiting JapanForum may appreciate keeping informed about this kind of thing, but I've had replies from those who most emphatically don't want to hear about it and determinedly question it's validity.

So every time I think of posting more about it, I end up thinking of the people who seem to react in pure shock.

I honestly don't want to wreck their visits to JapanForum. OTOH, Fukushima's rad-scene isn't exactly going away anytime soon and seems to be getting worse instead of better, and there may be those who would appreciate remaining informed in a timely and up-to-date manner.

So that's my question; does anyone think we need a sub-folder on all this or not?

Last edited by Nippom : 09-22-2011 at 02:36 PM.
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