09-23-2011, 02:38 PM
え!「ため」is a noun! あ~~。(*_*)
Thank you very much, masaegu-sensei and Kyle-sensei...
I remembered learning in high school something like 'が、の、を、に、へ、と、より、から、で、や」as 格助詞case particles...
Oh... then「ので」is not a case particle? So, if「で」in「ので」is originally 「です」=「だ」, then if I say 「の」+「で」+「だ」or 「の」+「で」+「です」, 「だ(=です)」will be redundant, so 「のでだ」 is impossible, right? It'd be like 「のです+です」or「のだ+だ」. This makes sense to me... because 「お金がなかったのです」is fine.
難しい。。。こんがらがってきた。I'm getting more confused. (^_^;)
I'll have to check my Japanese Grammar textbook from high school. 笑。