Social Networking -
09-24-2011, 04:07 AM
What do you guys think about social networking? There's a lot of changes going on with Facebook getting ready to release major new changes to the website, and Google+ is fighting to gain support. Twitter has also began integrating the ability to tweet photos. Do you get into social networking? How much do you participate in different forms of social networking? I think that since we're on a forum, many of you may at least participate a bit in any one (if not all of these websites), but do you take them seriously? I guess this is kind of like the "Are cell phones necessary?" kind of topic. Personally, I'm excited. I use social networks all the time to stay connected to everything everyone is doing. Most of the time, news and other important information I find out from Facebook or Twitter before it's even reported.
Here's what the new Facebook is going to look like, by the way (my profile):
Last edited by WingsToDiscovery : 09-24-2011 at 04:11 AM.