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(#97 (permalink))
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chiuchimu (Offline)
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09-26-2011, 04:36 AM

Originally Posted by lizzey View Post
Kpop's popularity wise right now it’s bigger than Jpop.
Honestly, Kpop is the current trend now. Like all trends it will die out.
Further explanation: Yes, Kpop is more popular than Jpop.
I keep seeing people post Kpop > Jpop as if it's a fact yet never once have I seen statistical sales numbers to prove it.
Show me numbers:
Korean export media sales > japan media export sales
Then we have an argument.
(Things like YouTube stats don't count because Jpop is heavily censored on YouTube; besides, it's not third party sales stats)

Otherwise I can make claims too. In every department store that I visit in America, they have tons of Anime and the OST(original sound track) on sale. I know it's the same in department stores all around the world. I have never seen Kpop in a Department store. You have to go to an Asian place to buy on - I bit this is true in most western counties. Stores stock merchandise that sell and don't stock merchandise that doesn't sell. So, Jpop is clearly selling around the world in department while Kpop is not.

What does this mean, kpop is bigger than Jpop but people just don't want top buy it?! LOL! The flip side is people hate Jpop - they just like to buy the stuff!

Jpop industry is 8 times bigger than Kpop industry. Even if the Japan media export was less than 15% the size of its domestic market, it would be bigger than the entire domestic Kpop market. Just think about it, who has made all those Anime hits around the world? Think of all those fans buying anime. Don't you think they buy the songs too?

Originally Posted by lizzey View Post
Market/Profit wise: Jpop is much bigger. Jpop makes tons more than Kpop is doing all over Asia, which is why many Kpop groups are debuting in Japan.
Japan is where the money. >$$$
you actually think Japanese media sells only in Japan? LOL.
Korea sells more to SEA nations than they sell in korea? LOL.

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