09-27-2011, 04:12 AM
Japan should quit its voluntary membership with the IWC.
Take as many whales as we see fit off of our local waters and leave the whales out in international waters alone.
I think it's the west that is barbaric and cruel. they are the ones that brought whales to the brink of extinction. Hell, they are the ones that bring everything to the bring of destruction!
Like the way beef, chicken and pork is handled isn't cruel and barbaric? lol
Mad-cow disease( deadly to humans) happens because infected cow brains are feed to other cows! What type of sick morons do thing like that? What about artificially impregnating a cow to keep it's mother making milk year round? most of the male calfs are killed right after birth to provide western 'Veal'.
Final point, NONE of the whales Japan are taking are in danger of extinction. Ultimately the argument against Japanese whaling ends up to be a cultural one. Westerners find whales cute and think it's wrong that Japanese eat them. Strange to be criticized by people that do/have done so much cruel and immoral things to animals.