Originally Posted by soursour
Hello Japan forum
I am going to be traveling to Japan in November for half vacation and half business.
This trip was kind of sprung on my by my job last minute. I have barely a minute to prepare outside of the days already planned by my job. I basically have 8 days to myself and I will be staying in the Shinjuku Prince hotel.
I have been researching like mad on what to do with my time, and I think I have a good amount of stuff planned to keep me entertained. My only problem is, where and what to eat.
I don't speak a word of Japanese (let along read any). I can probably learn some very basic food words before I go, but I am still really nervous about going to places and ordering food and such.
Does anyone know any good places that are "gaijin friendly" in Shinjuku that I can get some good meals at any time of the day?
I am basically trying to avoid convenience store, fast food or restaurants in the hotel at most times.
edit* it just occurred to me that a yelp-like service in English for Tokyo would be great. Does anyone know if one exists?
There are thousands upon thousands of places to eat in Shinjuku and the surrounding areas. Going to a restaurant and ordering food is probably easier in Japan for non native speakers than many other countries, as there are often pictures in menus or fake plastic food in the front window. You can literally point to the item to the waiter and that's what they'll bring you. There are no "gaijin friendly" restaurants, but all restaurants are "potential customer friendly" so I wouldn't worry about it. Gaijin are all over Tokyo, so you surely won't be the first to darken any door.