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(#16 (permalink))
Ryzorian (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
Posts: 1,126
Join Date: Jun 2009
09-29-2011, 03:08 AM

You know, you sound like an American telling all the rest of the world what type of governments they should have, what type of customs they should have, what they should do with thier women and so on.

Honestly, if American's trying to "improve the world" as they see it, just pisses everybody off. Don't you think yelling at china about bears and japan about whales is kinda like the same thing?

I don't disagree with you completely about the mis trearment of animals, I just liked makeing the point as an example that everyone, somewhere, has something they believe in so strongly that they think everybody else should believe the same way.

As a interesting irony, In my home state of Iowa some peta folks, angery about the Mink farms here, released 5000 minks from thier cages in "protest" about cruelty to animals. Guess what? nearly every one of them was killed by a car within hours, the highway had thousands of mink corpses stretched along the shoulders. Those minks had been liveing in cages thier whole life, they had no idea what "life" was like outside that. So tell me, who was cruel here?
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