Originally Posted by Maxful
Hi, I need help on the phrases below. I am confused regarding which of these phrases are correct and wrong? And when is the right time to use "had", "has had" and "have had"?
I had already eaten. someone asked me if I would like something to eat, but I told him that I had already eaten.I have already eaten. "Hi there, would you like to sit with us and have a meal.?" That's very kind of you, but I have already eaten."
He has gone for his dinner. I was looking for my friend and asked if he was around but I was told that he had just gone to have his dinner.
He went for his dinner.
She had already eaten.
She has already eaten.
She has had her dinner already.
She had her dinner already.
He has gone home.
He had gone home. when I arrived at the dinner table I asked for my friend, but was told that he had already had dinner and gone home.
He has already gone home. "Have you seen my friend," " sorry, he Has already eaten and gone home." I was sad to have missed my friend because he had already had his meal and gone home.He had already gone home.
He already went home.
He had already left for his home.