09-30-2011, 11:14 AM
From my experience, I was able to get a co-signed loan from a federal credit union...but the biggest problem is that the loan isn't a "pay off once you graduage" type, but just a regular loan. Which means I'm paying 350 a month for a 14,000 loan. But! They are feasable. And if you don't have the money up front, it's a huge help. As for the monthly amount you have to pay...would you be on a living stipend from your parents? If so, just try to live frugal, or work at the University servings meals, or this or that. There are options.
But for me too, "student loans" were impossible. But I did manage to get an all-purpose kinda loan for 'reasons of study.'
See what non-student loans there are at your banks.