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masaegu (Offline)
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10-01-2011, 03:46 AM

Originally Posted by 500YenDevin View Post
Ah, sorry, I wasn't sure if someone would reply to me since I'm new here.

The Japanese: 彼は街の光が少なくなり、輝いて歩くように、彼は、暗 闇の中で彼はそれを好きになってきた方法に包まとなっ ています。

The English/meaning I want to get across: As he walks the lights of the city shine less and less, he is become enveloped in darkness, the way he has come to like it.

And a second one. Japanese: 彼はここからどこに行くか、彼は分かっていないが、こ こで、-今までそれは彼の足は、彼らが常に持っているようにそ こに彼を取る可能性があります。

English: Where he goes from here, he doesn’t know, but where-ever it may be his legs will take him there like they always have.

Thank you.
Why are you posting Google Translate results as your own attempts? Nothing is tackier than that.

Your Japanese proficiency shall be in direct proportion
to your true interest in the Japanese Mind.
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