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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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10-01-2011, 04:14 AM

Originally Posted by 500YenDevin View Post
Can you help me with this? What I'm going for in English: His mind becomes clearer, washed of everything but his footsteps.

And my attempt with google's help:

彼の心はすべてのものが、彼の足音で洗浄し、明確にな る。
Can you explain what the English means? It's not well-written. I don't know what "washed of everything but his footsteps" means. What does "footsteps" mean here? The sound? Figuratively "where he's been in life"?

Also, assuming you mean that the only thing in his thoughts at all are his footsteps, then you don't say your mind goes "clearer." You say it goes "clear." A "clearer" mind would be the exact opposite, I would think, as if you have nothing in your brain except what you're hearing at that moment, your mind is addled. You are mentally broken, not of clearer mind.