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(#82 (permalink))
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DaisukeKigurou (Offline)
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Join Date: Aug 2009
10-01-2011, 09:06 PM

I doubt china will, I have been watching videos about what's being going on there and it looks grim. Not to mention the fact of communism, their law about having only one child per family, and how they have pretty much killed off most of the women in china.

There is actually a video on this, China is having a population problem it seems. There is too many men being created in china, which means less women. It has gotten so bad that men have resorted to paying other men to steal women for them to rape...

China is running out of Vagina - YouTube

China running out of women

China Running Out Of Women - CBS News

This is pretty old about a few years old, but by judging from this the population of china will soon end up in the shitter. There will be too many men in the country, and less women which means that there will be no way to procreate.

That also means that there will be less workers. Which, will then lead to the demise of the chinese economy and possibly the government..

Also Japan is working with Germany right now to get their economy back on track. More over, Japan is using other intelligent ideas to fix it, it is expected that the Japanese economy will be back to more of a pre-2009 and tsunami type economy. They are also saying that Japan will then be back to number 2 and such...

~苦痛は中心、それはある から来る; 憎む人によって引き起こされる。~

Last edited by DaisukeKigurou : 10-01-2011 at 09:14 PM.
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