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(#205 (permalink))
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Columbine (Offline)
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10-02-2011, 09:45 AM

Originally Posted by Javen View Post
read this...mixed in in westerner
you didn't even read the article you posted; mix race does not equal only westerners to the exclusion of other asian races.

"One of their subjects is David Yano, a half Ghanaian-" Ghana. Africa. Not western.

"-the Oi family—a Japanese father, Mexican mother and their two children—" Mexico. Western arguably, but not white like you seem to be implying.

"-will be debating the issue of whether to naturalize or not, and another will represent the most common demographic for hafu, an Asian mix, exploring what the issue of identity is like for someone who, on a superficial level at least, blends easily into Japanese society." This is EXACTLY what Nyororin was saying. The vast vast majority of mix-race children are half-japanese half-asian. They do not stand out from the crowd. 29 of those 30 babies will look Japanese, speak Japanese and know predominantly only Japanese culture. They're not going to be the harbingers of massive social change, save that the Japanese diet might start to include more kimchi.

On a different note I always think it's kind of interesting that people of mixed Ainu/Japanese heritage aren't usually counted as 'hafu'. Technically they do have mixed racial profiles.
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