Originally Posted by Javen
But not all guys who come to Japan get laid, or cause pregnancies even if they are getting laid because they use contraception. Not all marriages result in pregnancy. Some couples don't want kids and some can't have them. 1 in 30 Japanese babies are NOT half. Seriously, I live in Tokyo, I've lived in Osaka. I've taught in four different schools here and been to a massive multi-national university. You know how many evidently western-Japanese mixed race kids I've met? Two. Both belonging to my colleague who came to Japan to work and then married. and I've seen two others; one was half-Brazillian, one was half-korean. I had to be told the half-korean kid was mixed because it wasn't evident at all. Even the Japanese receptionist was surprised.
So out of the (no exaggeration) several hundreds of kids and adults I've encountered over the full course of a year and a half, in big city areas where, yes there are expats and quite a few foreigners living... two. Two kids. Not even 10. I have seen more Geisha, more sumo, more yakuza, more obese japanese people, more hookers and more monks than I have seen western halfs. I have met more people who have NEVER met a foreigner before than I have seen halfs.