Originally Posted by aanders5
ok, here we go.. :P
124: 飛躍二十四 I hit enter and that popped up? in hiragana i had: ひゃくにじゅうよん
7456: ななせにょん百五十六 um...now only half changed to kanji..im so confused on whats going on with the IME..do I do each one separate? Like this? 何戦四客五十六
UPDATE: Ok, so I did my homework and I compared my answers to mas's post and they are all right! But I still would like to figure out how Kanji works with IME, like when do I hit space to convert to Kanji, such. TY
You simply do not get the right kanji unless you first type the kana perfectly. Make one small mistake and you will not get the correct kanji.
You got 飛躍 because you typed ひやく instead of ひゃく with the small ゃ.
7456 is
Reminder for everyone: The three different pronunciations of 百
100, 200, 400, 500, 700, 900 ---
300 ---
600, 800 ---