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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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10-05-2011, 06:51 AM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
Not sure what 運営者である私 and 運営者の私 has to do with Mercury's question. In the original question, ある means "to exist" but in yours, it means "=", the equation.
Haha, you're absolutely right. I got so caught up in my own problem that I got off topic!

運営者である私 and 運営者の私 are both correct although the latter may sound rather informal if used in situations in which the listener/reader would expect the former to be used.

運営者である私 = I, who is the manager
運営者の私 = me, the manager

More emphasis on "being the manager" is implied in the former phrase. If you are talking about a task that should be performed by none other than the manager, you would want to use the former. If you used the latter to talk about such a task, you could end up sounding like you were saying it could possibly be performed by the next person in the hierarchy.

In other words, it would be wise to use the former on a more serious topic and the latter on a less serious one.

OK, probably too much of a goofy attempt at Kansai dialect there!
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