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(#17 (permalink))
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masaegu (Offline)
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10-06-2011, 03:01 AM

Originally Posted by SHAD0W View Post
Oh man, you gave away the answers too early, I was hoping to respond to this tonight. Nevermind, Maybe next time. Thanks for the information though, will certainly help improve my studies.
Oh laddie, I had waited two whole days, which felt like forever to me!

Learning the pitch accent will not only help improve your pronunciation but also your listening comprehension.

Here is a new one just for you, then. Others are welcoem to answer as well but let us use the font color "White" to answer this time. I do not know if one can use both red and white. In case one cannot, please either underline or bold the syllables that receive the high pitch accent and then conceal your answers in font "White" before submitting them. Thanks!

1. 色(いろ)  2.白(しろ)  3.黒(くろ )

4. 机(つくえ)  5. 椅子(いす)  

6. 雲(くも)  7.雨(あめ)  8.雪(ゆき )  9.ゆき as a feminine name

10. 北(きた)  11.来た(きた)  12. 着た(きた) "wore" 

13. 買った(かった)  14.勝った(かった) "won" 

15. います  16. あります

17. オタク  18. ポケモン

19. 高い(たかい)  20. 安い(やすい)   21. きれい  22. おいしい

23. ロンドン  24. パリ  25. 東京( とうきょう)  26. ヨークシャー

27. テレビ  28. コーラ  29. コーヒ ー  30. ラーメン

Your Japanese proficiency shall be in direct proportion
to your true interest in the Japanese Mind.
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