Originally Posted by kenshiromusou
Yo, friends.
Could you help me here?
These syntagms are killing me...
原作では、Southern Crossの刺客となったkillersは13人であるが、エピソード的
に3つに集約され るため、別のエピソードへ登場させる、あるいは新たにオリジ
ナルのheroesを敵として登場させるといった変更を加えて いる。
After it says that in manga Souther Cross sent 13 killers, I don't understand the following (I don't understand if it talks about other killers, 3 episodes or 3 killers together in just one episode).
Thank you very much.
It is saying:
1. It is impossible to have all 13 killers appear in only 3 episodes.
2. So the creators made changes to have the 13 killers also appear in other episodes.
3. And they even created new original heroes so that the 13 can appear to fight them.