Originally Posted by TBox
holy poop.
massive cut and paste fail.
We didn't even get to the part that's making me tear my hair out.
もう星さんの事はどうでも良くなってて、この関係にず ぶずぶはまっている僕にこいつの背中がそう僕に語りか けている気がした
My only excuse is that I was on a computer without japanese fonts trying to cut and paste it from a different forum that wasn't getting me any answers. I feel retarded.
We now have a complete sentence (minus a period
For serious Japanese-learners, I need to state out front that this is a kind of a butchered sentence that you will NOT find in our finer literature. It is something you might find in a light novel or even manga. DO NOT write like this.
The narrator feels that 「こいつの背中」 is telling him 「もう星さんの事はどうでも良くなってて」. In other words, 「そう」 refers to the
imaginary statement 「もう星さんの事はどうでも良くなってて」. The imaginary comment means "Let me pray that you are no longer interested in 星さん." No one actually said it. This, I hope, solves 90% of yout trouble already.
"I felt as if this babe's back were saying 'Let me pray that you are no longer interested in 星さん' to me, who is deeply stuck in this relationship."
The "you" = the narrator