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10-06-2011, 04:42 PM

Originally Posted by DragonNL View Post
So you just start attacking countries... Then sure people are going to change their minds about you.. NOT

Please stop being ignorant Ryzorian.
im seriously tired of countries asking for help from us only to turn around next week and burn our flag and call us the "The great Satan" i use to be a bleeding heart liberal but honestly in my later years im finding it harder to care. I will never forget them dancing in the streets when the towers fell its burned in my mind forever. Ryzorian is not being ignorant its obvious you dont understand the complexities of international relations and foreign policy.

Do i feel for the Syrian people sure i do i feel for the people who are just trying to raise their families and get by, the ones that induce the violence i wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.

Im sorry but if you want a free country you have to fight for it. Freedom is not free and the asking price for freedom is usually blood. You want it badly enough fight for it just like other countries have done in the past. The UN is not just going to send troops or start airstrikes like in Libya. There needs to be formal resistance and they must meet the government on the field of battle and actually win. Also, there needs to be cohesion in the ranks and there is not there is a split if they cant work together for a common goal no No country especially the US will risk an all out war in an already unstable region.

I do not support a intervention in Syria at this time.

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