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OHayou (Offline)
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10-06-2011, 11:51 PM

Originally Posted by Ronin4hire View Post
Actually Ryozorian is being ignorant.

He's dreamed up some bogus theory about how the world works and cherry picked moments in history to support it while ignoring things like the independence movement in India or the US civil rights movement and even the more recent Egypt uprising (which were largely peaceful).

And you are being ignorant with your characterization of Syrian people.
Do you see how fluffy0000 interjected and corrected some misunderstandings with some historical facts?

It's a better way than than just calling people ignorant without any facts or evidence as if we're just supposed to go "yep. He knows what *he's* talking about. You know he's cross-eyed so, obviously, his word is law." Also, it's ironic how you point out someone is cherry picking specific moments in history but then throw out 2 or 3 (of what I would call) examples as if that couldn't be labeled "cherry picking" by your own definition.

I'm no history buff but I doubt anyone is going to agree that the road to freedom that the majority of societies over the past 5,000 years of history traveled upon was in the form of peaceful demonstrations rather than fighting for it.

Whose ignorant now I'm jk. lol I'm not trying to fight because I think we're all ignorant in varying degrees on a variety of topics and we should refute with facts (as we see it) in a polite tone rather than just writing people off. I'm a sensitive guy what can I say.
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