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(#15 (permalink))
Ryzorian (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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Join Date: Jun 2009
10-07-2011, 03:19 AM

Fluffy; The French didn't "Publicly" Support....there's a big difference in covert and overt support. France was at war with Britain at the time and the idea of covertly supporting an upriseing was appealing becuase it could draw troops away from France. It's why Britain hired Hessian mercs to fight in the Revolution...though ironically, by the end of the war 8,000 of the orginal 12,000 Hessians were fighting for the US.

Ronin, Egypt is being over run by The Islamic brotherhood and killing coptic christians by the hundreds. India? They meerly took advantage of the fact Britain was in Geat Decline by then and more than glad to be rid of the problem, plus didn't gandi get like..I don't know, KILLED? The Civil Rights movement? HELLO? Martin Luther King SHOT DEAD...are you kidding me? just trying to get civil rights was bought for with BLOOD. Freedom DEMAND'S a blood price..If you aren't willing to pay don't deserve to be free.

Your niave, like the 2 yearold who didn't understand why the robber killed his parents.
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