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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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10-08-2011, 08:49 PM

Originally Posted by TerenceLau View Post
Is there some sort of grammatical difference between なられる and おなりになる?
Here's what my copy of Japanese: A Comprehensive Grammar says (and I think this has been backed up on JF by masaegu or another native speaker when asked previously).

Originally Posted by book
There are two regular hon. forms, o/go V-stem ni naru and pass.-form hon.

* * *

65.1.3 Passive honorifics
Pass. forms . . . can be used as a slightly less polite hon.; this is particularly popular with the younger generation.
Is the former also the passive form of なる?
It is 100% exactly formed the same way as the passive. Whether it's actually people using the passive to be honorific or it's an honorific form that just happens to take the same form as the passive I don't know. But that's just semantics.

Check this out:

It talks about different kinds of keigo (ます form, honorific, and humble; and special words for phones, letters, and other things).
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