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(#119 (permalink))
GoNative (Offline)
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10-09-2011, 04:13 AM

Originally Posted by Ryzorian View Post
Science is about asking questions, trying to disprove every theory ever brought forth as a way to means test it. "Global Warming" doesn't allow anyone to question it or bring out facts to counter it..facts wich do exist..I just told you where you could get them.

I'm Not deluded, I'm a Enviromental science Major, it's my field of study..and I'm telling you it's a scientist. There is far more evidence out there from decades of resreach that debunk the whole Global warming hoax for what it is, a hoax... Hell, back in the 70's those same "global warming" types thought we were headed into an ice age..So wich is it? hotter or colder?

Gonative, it's people like me that fought the British so America could be free, it's people like me who fought the civil war so slaves could be free, it's people like me who fought the Nazi's so the ovens were turned off. It's people like me who defeated the Soviet empire because we believed our way was the right way.

I'm not going to let some fake report in some UN headquarters dictate to me how I can live.
Environmental science major from where?

Your life is just full of so many contradictions isn't it? You love the oil which fuels your industry but the science which allows us to find oil by undersatanding the geomorphology and by using dating techniques show us that the earth is billions of years old. Yet because of your religious dogma you disregard this science even though you reap the benefits of it
You continually harp on about how the strong prevail against the weak and that it's a dog eat dog world but even though this is what natural selection and evolution is all about you deny this science as well.

We all know that greenhouses assist in keeping temperatures warmer within for plant growth and seed germination. Yet even though the same principles apply in our atmosphere you deny the science of this as well. You show an incredible lack of knowledge of the role of C02 as a greenhouse gas. That it is opaque to such a wide portion of the infrared spectrum is why it is such an important player in our climate. This has been proven by satellite and terristrial data. I gave links to two papers that show this. Of course you will not have read them (wouldn't want to educate yourself now would you?).

You live in a world surrounded by appliances and technology that is only possible because of science yet you continually deny large portions of it because of religious dogma and closed minded ideology. How you live with such contradictions is quite beyond me.

Nothing you have said about the science of global warming comes from the science. You make grandiose claims but never back any of it up with links to any evidence. I bet you get all your information from one of two blogs on the internet and that's it. Blogs by people who are not bound by any of the rigours of scientific methods, peer review or little things like the truth.

And for your information in the 1970's there were extremely few papers purporting that it would get cooler (care to list any?). The vast bulk of the science even then was predicting warming due to increasing C02. The media seemed to jump onto the cooling predictions at the time, mostly because of some particularly cold winters in the US in the late 70's, but it was not a reflection of where the science was at the time or where is was going. Once again you have no idea of what you are talking about (like that's a surprise).

To suggest that the UN reports are fake is just idiocy. They are only a representation of the current science. Nothing more, nothing less. If there is supposedly so much science out there that disproves any of the fundamental principals of AGW then please list some of them. Show us what proof you believe you have. You just keep making a whole lot of ridiculous statements with nothing to back it up. That may work for someone like you who believes in religious fairytales as it's basically the same principle. Expecting belief in something for which there is absolutely no proof. Sorry but as a true skeptic that doesn't fly with me.

Last edited by GoNative : 10-09-2011 at 05:05 AM.
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