Originally Posted by Ryzorian
Dragon NL; I'm telling you that if you want to be free you have to shed your blood for it, and yes, more than likely, shed the blood of those who will take your freedom from you. Your not going to get it singing "kumbahya give peace a chance." Those who want to be free, have to fight for it because those who don't want you to be free will kill you for even thinking about it.
Why can't you see it's wrong?!
Just now I was watching a documentary about a criminal who was trying to escape from prison. He succeeded at first and he has gone a long way. But after a while the police found him and they where standing at his doorstep. He had nowhere to go and instead of fighting his way out he surrendered. And this is what he said;
As bad as I wanted to be free, I wasn't willing to hurt anyone to get it.
If a criminal can see it's wrong, then why can't you? He knows that the only way to get free and to stay free is to carry out his sentence.