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(#24 (permalink))
tazzy (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 90
Join Date: Jan 2011
10-10-2011, 01:35 AM

As someone who has lived in Amsterdam before it would be awesome to do away with all those annoying pothead American tourists- of course this is just looking at the surface, they probally bring a lot to the economy.
What is annoying though is its banning all foreigners, not every foreigner in the Netherlands is a tourist, some live there. I very rarely went to such places but it was nice to know I had the freedom to do so if I wanted. This is a very bad move.

Perhaps the government should just ban marijuana instead of this half-assed small step. However, I don't like the idea that foreigners visit our country just for marijuana.
Do away with one of the policies that makes the Netherlands a step above most other countries?
Turn the Dutch youth onto drugs?
Nah, Holland has something right, what should be done to stop the tourists is other countries copying the Dutch, not vice-versa.

Last edited by tazzy : 10-10-2011 at 01:38 AM.
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