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(#122 (permalink))
GoNative (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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Location: Inverloch, Australia
10-10-2011, 03:43 AM

Once again it's not about changing the way you live. It's about changing the way we source much of our energy currently. We already have the technology to change over to a much more carbon neutral economy. It's the vested interests in the industries that mine and use fossil fuels that have so much power that are hindering this transition. All this rubbish about the science being a hoax is just a ridiculous sideshow being played out to muddy and confuse the real science going on. As I keep saying I'm more than happy to have a robust debate on the policies to deal with what the science is telling us. These policies must weigh up effects on jobs and economies and a transition to a new way of sourcing our energy will mean upheaval for some of the biggest industries on planet currently. But it will also create jobs and new industries. We've done it throughout our history. Horses and steam gave way cars and internal combustion engines. We are now on the verge on another trnasition to how we create the energy to fuel our society. It's inevitable and those at the forefront of the new technology will benefit the most.

The IPCC is a multi-national political body within the UN set up to collate and present the latest science on global warming and to lobby governments on action to reduce our effects on climate. The vast majority of peer reviewed and published science continues to support the theory that increasing C02 in our atmosphere will have a warming effect. There is no science I have seen that comes close to disproving this. So the IPCC has a responsibility to present this science. It is not their role to present every single paper published or to assist the deniers by presenting their psuedo-science and conspiracies. If there truly was any credible science that brought into question the role of C02 in our atmosphere it's not like many governments and all the big fossil fuel companies wouldn't jump on it immediately is it? But it's just not there. The whole denial of the science only exists on a few internet blogs, none of which have any real credibility.

Your dismissal of the role of C02 as a greenhouse gas really just shows how little you understand. Let's say we look at a greenhouse covered in plastic. What percentage of the total volume of the greenhouse does the plastic covering represent? A very, very small percentage and yet it is this thin layer of plastic that makes all the difference in retaining the heat. It is the same with C02. It is so important as it is opaque to a wide range of the infrared spectrum that radiates from the earth. This can't be argued against, it is fact. So if you increase the amount of C02 it increases the heat rentention of the troposphere. Again that is fact and can't be argued against, not scientifically anyway. Just saying that it is a small percentage of the total composition of the atmosphere means nothing as you are basically just disregarding the physics involved.
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