Originally Posted by masaegu
It only says that Viera thought her mom hated her. It also says that the mom compared the two daughters.
This was how I had it to start with:
"But her mother's mind was wounded when she gave birth to one child at the expense of the other, and she would always compare her to her younger sister. Viera is Viera, but she was an insecure young girl, living her life with a mother who hated her as if she'd killed her sister in the womb herself."
If I changed that to "living her life thinking that her mother hated her and feeling as if..." would that work, or have I taken too many liberties with what's there? 心に傷 refers to her mother and not Viera? And the idea that she was responsible for her twin's death is Viera's and not her mother's?
In other words, Viera apparently got the idea that her mother hated her for her sister's death from the fact that her mother always compared her to her unborn sister?
Is Kellerman and Steve the same person?
Yes, sorry (I'm too used to calling him by his last name). What you've said makes it crystal clear. Thank you.
He does NOT drink. ず is a negative affirmation.
I must have figured that out before, because I'd originally had "didn't care for alcohol," and when the other translation made me second guess myself, everything I found this time around supported the wrong conclusions. >.< I might have trusted myself a little more there if I hadn't just discovered a place where I said 20 instead of 200,000 people (and I bet you can guess what I transcribed wrong!
The rest of your TL is awesome.
You totally just made my day! Thanks so much for all your help!!