Originally Posted by GinaS
This was how I had it to start with:
"But her mother's mind was wounded when she gave birth to one child at the expense of the other, and she would always compare her to her younger sister. Viera is Viera, but she was an insecure young girl, living her life with a mother who hated her as if she'd killed her sister in the womb herself."
Nice, except the original does not say the mom hated Viera for anythng.
If I changed that to "living her life thinking that her mother hated her and feeling as if..." would that work, or have I taken too many liberties with what's there? 心に傷 refers to her mother and not Viera? And the idea that she was responsible for her twin's death is Viera's and not her mother's?
It would have worked just fine. 心に傷 refers to her mother. The idea that Viera was responsible for her twin's death is Viera's own.
In other words, Viera apparently got the idea that her mother hated her for her sister's death from the fact that her mother always compared her to her unborn sister?
The original passage does not state from where Viera got the idea. All I can say is that what you said is possible. One needs to understand that the general tone of the passage is that:
Mom blames herself and Viera blames herself.