Originally Posted by Ryzorian
Greenhouses also create large robust plants , so it's not allways a bad thing.
I do agree that we can supplement our energy with renewable types and Nuclear. However, it's won't replace fossil fuels for jobs or costs. Spain is the greenest country in Europe and has cronic 20% plus unemployment. The USA Today had a front page article last week showing how "green energy" just doesn't ,..
Germany is ' greenest' country in Europe and the #1 leading economy in europe, dude.
Across the political spectrum, all major German parties support an industrial transformation toward a low-carbon economy, and there is a strong consensus concerning the need to address climate change. Constituent groups from both the progressive (e.g., renewable-energy industry) and conservative side (e.g., farm community) benefit from this approach. The understanding is that strong environmental policies drive ecological modernization and create new market opportunities.