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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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10-11-2011, 04:33 PM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
Never heard the terms "Regular I verbs" and "Regular II verbs" to be honest, but I am going to asume those are, respectively, "五段活用 verbs" and "一段活用 verbs" from what you are talking about.

If so, it is either your book teaches it wrong or you copied it wrong. Both つくる and のる are 五段活用 verbs and their potential forms are つくれます and のれます. There is absolutely no irregularity about these, either. 「ら」was not dropped. It never was in the potential forms of these verbs to begin with.

For 一段活用 verbs, however, there will be 「ら」 in the potential form unless we are discussing the modern-day らぬきことば, which is discussed in the thread:

To sum it up:

五段活用 verbs:
Dictionary form >> Potential form
作(つく)る >> 作れる
乗(の)る >> 乗れる
書(か)く >> 書ける 
行(い)く >> 行ける
遊(あそ)ぶ >> 遊べる
読(よ)む >> 読める

一段活用 verbs:
Dictionary form >> Potential form
食(た)べる >> 食べられる
見(み)る >> 見られる
寝(ね)る >> 寝られる
着(き)る >> 着られる
閉(と)じる >> 閉じられる 
The confusion is that OP doesn't realize he has miscategorized the verbs. You hit that nail on the head (as would be expected of a skilled English-speaking Japanese, since 出るくいは打たれる).
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