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Columbine (Offline)
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10-14-2011, 01:24 AM

Originally Posted by Igawa29 View Post
I just got tickets for a Geisha Dance in November at the Gion Kaikan Theatre, and I am trying to figure out what the dress code would be for this event.
Also my wife and I are going to a Takarazuka play and wondered what the dress code was for that event as well.
What would you normally wear to a theatre performance? Gion, and especially the dances, tend to be more on the high brow side of things. I've only been to Kabuki but a lot of the Japanese women came wearing kimono and men with collared shirts and ties. This was a matinee. So I'd probably err on the side of caution and go with a jacket, shirt and tie for yourself and something smart for your wife. People in Japan are usually more likely to dress too smartly than too casually so it'll be more awkward if you stick out for being too casual than too smart. If it's an evening performance than especially so! The Takarazuka play will probably be a bit less formal; think casual smart, so trousers not jeans, proper shoes not trainers etc. In my mind, the geisha dances are on a par with going to the ballet and Takarazuka is more like seeing a normal play.
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