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sutekidane (Offline)
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10-15-2011, 12:50 AM

Originally Posted by pumpum View Post
Saying that the arabs problems are their own and that they must all "bleed" for their freedom is fine if you come from some countries but not if you are from AMERICA.

America does owe and does have responsibilities to the arabs because for the last 50-60 years it has underhandedly dictated how those lands have been shaped due to its own greed and ends. This is a fact and it also applies to other areas such as South America.

Americas interference, support and indeed supply of weapons to murderous tyrants for their own benefit has left to millions of people living without the same freedom they hypocritically champion at home.

I could type so much here but i really cant be arsed, even those who will blast my point of view, know really that it is the truth. My view is not Anti-american it is just Human.

To me america had a oppurtunity to truly make the world a better place because of the power it held but instead it only focused on supplying itself with everything at the cost of most of the rest of the world, in doing so it has shaped the rest of the world to act in its image and so more chaos and devastation is assured.

Instead of recognising their role in F***ing up the world, now to sit back and say the arabs must fend for themselves against tyrants they helped prop up, is disingenuous to say the least. Americas problem is tha they dont seem to understand it is easy to break stuff but much harder to fix it and of course the stuff that you break is not gonna like you, but does that mean you havent got any responsibility to fix it? of course not.
That unfortunately goes with the territory, all super power, global powers did that in the past, its called divide and rule and extracting resources and will probably do it in the future. The casualty in blood is just collateral damage. The next ones are China and India and may be all of us including Americans will have to get ready for Chinese and Indian boots kicking us around. All hail the Han and the Hindu.
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