Originally Posted by ryuurui
I understand that this would be an answer to a question: where did you buy it? Naturally, no one will say "I have ...blah blah". You omit the "I have" part, and go straight to "それはパンやで買った", which is the same what Kyle said, and I only added "this". Also, if you talk about an item you hold in your hand (which would be natural as you bought it), your reply will be KORE and not sore. Bear that in mind. And if you want to make it more polite, you change 買った to 買いました.
Oh, OK then,
Pattern 1:
'Where did you buy the bread?'--'At the bakery.'
「そのパンを、どこで買いましたか?」「パン屋です。 」(polite)
(sono pan o, doko de kaimashita ka?--pan-ya desu.)
(sono pan o, doko de katta no?--pan-ya.)
Pattern 2:
'How did you get the bread?'--'bought at the bakery.'
「そのパンを、どこで手に入れたんですか?」「パン屋 で買いました。」(polite)
(sono pan o, doko de te ni iretandesuka?--pan-ya de kaimashita.)
「そのパン、どうしたの?」「パン屋で買った。」(casua l)
(sono pan, doushita no?--pan-ya de katta.)
Pattern 3:
'Please tell everybody here (in class, etc.) how you got this bread'--'OK, I bought it at the bakery.'
「このパンをどうしたのか、みんなに言いなさい」「は い、私は、それをパン屋で買いました。」(polite)
(sono pan o doushita no ka, minna ni iinasai.--hai, watashi wa, sore o, pan-ya de kaimashita.)
ps: 'watashi wa sore o pan-ya de kaimashita' is more natural than 'watashi wa pan-ya de sore o kaimashita.', but I think both are correct.