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(#88 (permalink))
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masaegu (Offline)
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10-16-2011, 01:38 AM

Originally Posted by TBox View Post
One more then?
行動に移さないご主人様が悪いと自己正当して、ご主人 様も傷つけたんだ。
I have some sort of mental block with that と particle. No matter how many explanations of it I read it fills me with dread when I see it, even though it should be very simple.
Start with the simplest phrases, then. Do you have trouble understanding these sentences? Would you have used 「と」 had it been you writing these? If not what would you have used?


「と」 is used for quoting speech, thoughts, sensations.
「と」 works sort of like, if not exactly like, "that" in phrases like:
"I feel that ~~~."
"Someone said that ~~~."
"You think that ~~."

In the sentence 「行動に移さないご主人様が悪いと自己正当して、ご主 人様も傷つけたんだ。」:

Someone 自己正当した that 行動に移さないご主人様が悪い and the same someone ご主人様も傷つけた.

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Last edited by masaegu : 10-16-2011 at 08:18 AM.
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