Thread: unisex J-names?
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Nippom (Offline)
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Join Date: May 2009
unisex J-names? - 10-16-2011, 06:53 PM

In English there are some 'uni-sex' names that can be given to a boy or a girl, such as Kim, Rory, Ash, in fact here's a whole list of less-commonly known ones;
Behind the Name: English Unisex Names

It just occurred to me, what -if any- are some of the more common, interesting, or picturesque Japanese uni-sex names?

I mean, ones that can be used -completely unchanged- for the actual given name of either a boy or a girl?

And is this very common in Japan, or extremely uncommon?

I can't read kanji, so please don't answer in that.
If you like, I can read Hiragana or Romaji.

Thank you.
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