A scimitar (sh'mit'ter) is a sword with a curved blade design finding its origins in western Asia (Middle East).
The name can be used to refer to almost any Middle Eastern sword with a curved blade. They include Arabic saif, Indian talwar, Persian shamshir, and Turkish kilij, among others. These blades all were developed from the ubiquitous parent sword, the Turko-Mongol saber.
The scimitar "technology" was also used by Egyptians in setting up their domination over their territories, although it was borrowed and not invented by them.
Here is a pic of one:
Scimitars have been used in many media sources. Some of these are:
1. The Calormen warriors and royalty fight with scimitars in C. S. Lewis' The Chronicles of Narnia.
2. Fantasy author R.A. Salvatore's dark elf protagonist Drizzt Do'Urden wields a pair of enchanted scimitars
3. In the movie "The Mummy" the medjai "Ardeth", the one who fights alongside brendan fraiser also uses a scimitar.
The reason it is put up on this thread is to show a comparison of between this and the Katana. The Scimitar has a much more pronounced curve in its swordblade when compared with the Katana!
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